Milk Mama Must-Have

Angel Baby

In the beginning, I was not the best at latching.  I just couldn’t get the hang of it, which left Mama’s nipples cracked and sore.  Luckily, Mama was prepared.  She applied Earth Mama Angel Baby Natural Nipple Butter (say that 5 times fast) after every nursing to heal the damage.   And it worked like a charm!  Mama was back to normal in no time and with continued use, helped prevent further damage.   (She wants me to tell the story about how I used to bite her when I was teething and the nipple butter saved the day again.  But I don’t have any idea what she is talking about ;))

EMAB Natural Nipple Butter has everything you want and nothing you don’t!  It is organic, vegan, cruelty free, non-toxic, and lanolin free.  Need I say more?  So have Mama apply it after every feeding, before and after she showers, and any time she feels the need.  It doesn’t need to be washed or wiped off before the feeding (trust me, I didn’t even notice, I just wanted the MILK).

So go out and get your Mama some today! She will thank you!

Tips from a pro:

Natural Nipple Butter, the breast stuff on earth!

*Mama loved this nipple butter so much, she had 4 jars open at one time! (One in the diaper bag, one on the night stand, one in the nursing pillow pocket and one in the nursing cover!

*Like to suck your thumb?  It is getting all red and dry during these cold winter months?  Have Mama apply some nipple butter at nighttime to heal the damage and keep it soft!

Be A Baby Cook

Mama is not known for her culinary stills, so when it comes to making my food she can use all the help she can get!

The Babycook from Beaba makes it easy for every Mama to make homemade baby food.  This all-in-one countertop appliance will steam cook, puree, and reheat fresh fruit, vegetables and meats.  In a matter of minutes, less than 15 to be exact, you can have a home cooked meal prepared with love.


What do I love about the Babycook?  Every meal is custom-made for me.  Mama can use only the organic ingredients I like, no carrots PLEASE!  What does Mama love?  It is top-rack dishwasher safe, one pot design, and just the perfect size.  Mama can prepare just one meal or make extra portions to freeze for another day!

With the Babycook,  there is no excuse for Mama to feed me any of that ‘processed’ stuff!



Let me start by saying that if you only ask for one toy this holiday season, this is it!

Sophie the Giraffe, by Vulli, is the ‘perfect’ toy.  Why does Mama love it?  It is made of all natural rubber and colored with food paint, while also being phthalates and BPA free.   Why do I love it?  It is lightweight, soft, cute, squeaky, fun, chewable, easy to hold . . . I could go on and on!  I don’t go anywhere without this adorable teething toy 🙂

Sophie is great for every baby: the newborn who uses it as a pacifier, the infant who is teething and the toddler who needs a toy to bring everywhere (Sophie is easy to keep clean!).

So ask Santa or get a Sophie for every baby on your list Holiday list!

Tip from a pro:  Use a toy strap or links to keep Sophie within reach and off the ground!  But if she ends up taking a spill, just hand wash her in the sink and she is ready to play!

Play and Dream to the music

The one thing my family loves more than shoes is MUSIC!  So I didn’t take this review lightly.

While shopping local at Waddle n Swaddle, I heard this wonderful music!  Putumayo Kids  is a collection of multicultural music that gives a new meaning to ‘children’s songs’.    With two different series, there is a cd for every occasion.  Looking for a great tune to dance to?  Check out any one of the Playground albums.  I promise they won’t disappoint!  From French, to African, to Hawaiian, everyone will enjoy jamming out to these upbeat tunes.   Need to unwind and relax?  Turn on one of the Dreamland albums.  Every track will have you mellow and ready for some zzzz’s in no time!

(CAUTION!!!  This music not only works on us babies, but Mama’s too! Don’t Dreamland and drive!!!)

Cold Weather Booties

Stonz Booties

Since the snow is falling on this chilly December day,  I feel it only appropriate to tell you about my new boots!

Stonz Booties are soft, rubberized, and skid resistant soled  boots that can be worn alone, with socks, shoes, slippers or Stonz Linerz.   They are wind and water-resistant to keep cute feet warm and dry no matter what the weather.   Two adjustable toggles hold these great looking boots on my feet, no matter how hard I try to take them off.  And with a wide opening, Mama is able to get them on my feet no matter how much I squirm.  So thanks to these cold weather booties, I will never go barefoot again! (I have a ‘thing’ for taking off my socks and shoes.  FREE THE PIGGIES!)

showing off the boots!

Note from Mama:   I wish I had these when Cole was born!  I wouldn’t have had to constantly fight to keep his feet covered!  And Linerz are a MUST HAVE for the super cold days. (They booties come in a range of sizes from newborn to 2.5 years, but I would really recommend them for the infant through the early-walker. )