DIY Babyfood Guide

Mama was terrified to start solid foods when I turned 6 months old.  She had become a pro at breastfeeding, even supporting other Milk Mamas.  But solid foods?  A total mystery.  (And to top it all off, Mama wanted to try to feed me only homemade food….)  So Mama started by taking a class, buying all the equipment and reading books and blogs.  And even after weeks of preparation, she still felt unprepared.

Once again, cousin Isabella came to the rescue.  She and her Mama highly recommended The Petit Appetit Cookbook: Easy, Organic Recipes to Nurture Your Baby and Toddler by Lisa Barnes.  And can I just say – WHAT A MAMA SAVER!  This book is not only a baby food cookbook, but a how-to guide.

Barnes starts by explaining why homemade (and organic) is the way to go,  how to buy and stock the pantry, and simplifies the necessary cooking techniques.  She then illustrates an easy to follow chart of what foods I can eat at what stage.  The recipes then follow this chart, so Mama always knows if  a meal is right for me.  Every recipe also has nutrition information, helpful tips and tricks, any modifications available, and (the best of all) the allergy information.

Who would I recommend this book to?  Every Mama.  Even if she knows all there is to know about baby food, the recipes are tasty!  (Although nothing seems to help Mama’s carrots….) The Petit Appetit is a great addition to the baby library!

A Note From Mama:  Not every source is perfect.  It is important to make your own decisions and do what you feel is best for YOUR baby! (Please consult a pediatrician before starting solid foods.  And wait until 6 months!)

Milk Mama Must-Have

Angel Baby

In the beginning, I was not the best at latching.  I just couldn’t get the hang of it, which left Mama’s nipples cracked and sore.  Luckily, Mama was prepared.  She applied Earth Mama Angel Baby Natural Nipple Butter (say that 5 times fast) after every nursing to heal the damage.   And it worked like a charm!  Mama was back to normal in no time and with continued use, helped prevent further damage.   (She wants me to tell the story about how I used to bite her when I was teething and the nipple butter saved the day again.  But I don’t have any idea what she is talking about ;))

EMAB Natural Nipple Butter has everything you want and nothing you don’t!  It is organic, vegan, cruelty free, non-toxic, and lanolin free.  Need I say more?  So have Mama apply it after every feeding, before and after she showers, and any time she feels the need.  It doesn’t need to be washed or wiped off before the feeding (trust me, I didn’t even notice, I just wanted the MILK).

So go out and get your Mama some today! She will thank you!

Tips from a pro:

Natural Nipple Butter, the breast stuff on earth!

*Mama loved this nipple butter so much, she had 4 jars open at one time! (One in the diaper bag, one on the night stand, one in the nursing pillow pocket and one in the nursing cover!

*Like to suck your thumb?  It is getting all red and dry during these cold winter months?  Have Mama apply some nipple butter at nighttime to heal the damage and keep it soft!

Butt Glue

Although I think some things should be kept private, I couldn’t help but share my latest troubles. For the past few days I have been suffering from diaper rash. My mom has been diligently applying the white stuff, with no improvement. So I asked my buddy Griffin, from Waddle n Swaddle, and he swears by Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm. It is an all natural, organic, certified vegan, cruelty-free, and clinically tested super balm that will heal your rash in no time! (Mama has nicknamed it ‘butt glue’. Without it, I seem to fall apart!) After using it for only 24 hours, I not only am cured of my red butt, but my diaper smells nice (well … until I fill it up again!).

Did you know?:  Angel Baby Bottom Balm is great for minor first aid!  Works great on dry skin, too!