Mama Massage for Wellness Week 2011!

I have some exciting news!  One of my favorite massage therapists, Heather Kading, has opened a second office at Waddle n Swaddle Poughkeepsie!!!  She will be there on Mondays and Tuesdays – for times and appointments call Heather at 845-485-6820.

To celebrate Wellness Week, Heather is offering a $50 one hour massage!  That is a huge savings and is only available March 21 – 22, 2011.  So book your appointment today!

Check out my post: RELAXED MAMA for Mama’s glowing review!

Cute as a Button Bow

Handmade accessories are all the rage, but lets face it, there just isn’t enough time in the day.

Veancha White, Mama of two, has the answer!  She has started Kairi Belle Boutique, a great little shop on that sells adorable handmade bows.  Each with its own personal flair, these cute button adorned accessories will add pazazz to any outfit.

Since I don’t know much about hair accessories, I called Kairi (the inspiration behind Kairi Belle Boutique) for the lowdown.  She explained that the bows come attached to alligator clips or a headband.   Every bow is custom-made, so special orders are available.  Just email them at!

Shhh ... I ordered this one for Mama!

COLE’S COUPON: 20% off all in stock items and special orders*. Use promo code COLESCORNER at checkout. Exclusive deal for Cole’s Corner readers and it  only lasts until March 22nd, 2011!

*Special orders must be placed by March 22nd, 2011 by email.

Mommy’s Tummy

So when I was growing big and strong in Mama’s tummy, some of her muscles seperated.  It is called a diastasis recti.   (I know, big fancy words … my friend Chase taught me all about it!)   Most Mama’s have this seperation and it can cause a lot of problems.  So what can she do about it?  Go see Heather from Hands On Massage & Wellness!!!!  She has this program called Mummy Tummy to help Mama get her pre-baby belly back.

Mama did it when I was 7 months old and it really made a difference.  She did these easy exercises (and yes I mean EASY) and wore this splint around her belly.  In just a week – she saw results.  The entire program is only 6 weeks and is good for any Mama (no matter how long ago she had her baby)!

Want more info?  Check out the free info session this weekend @ Waddle n Swaddle Poughkeepsie.  10 am – 12 pm   Saturday 2/19.  Yes, you heard me … FREE.  So just stop by and check it out!


Here is the post from Heather’s Facebook page:

If you have a mummy tummy or pooch or low back pain, you may have a Diastasis Recti, a separation of the outermost abdominal muscle. Most women get this while pregnant from the pressure of the growing uterus and it does not heal on its own. FREE info session on Sat. 2/19 from 10am-12noon at Waddle N Swaddle in Poughkeepsie.

via Hands On Massage & Wellness.

Milk Mama 101

Like all babies, I was born to breastfeed.  I entered this world knowing exactly what I wanted and Mama was there to provide for me.

How did she know what to do?  She took a class – Breastfeeding Essentials – from a Certified Lactation Counselor.  In this class Mama learned the importance of breastfeeding, how to latch me properly and many other helpful tips and tricks to successful nursing.  This class, along with a postpartum private session, was an invaluable resource that helped Mama be the best breastfeeding mom she could be!

Breastfeeding Essentials is taught by Jenn Sullivan, CLC and owner of Waddle n Swaddle.   With over three years of lactation teaching experience and having nursed her own two children, she is a wealth of information.

This class can be taken any time during pregnancy and Mama should definitely bring Dada.   He will be able to ask questions and fully understand his role as the support person.  (Mama will need a lot of support and encouragement!)

Can’t make it to a class?  Already breastfeeding but need some help?  Jenn is available for private classes and appointments both in store or in home.  Check out her website for further details.